
N fertilizer Learn more about N fertilizer

  • The use of various fertilizers

    The use of various fertilizers

    The use of various fertilizers

  • How to fertilize sunflowers?

    How to fertilize sunflowers?

    How to fertilize sunflowers? Please introduce sunflower production 100kg sunflower seed, edible sunflower needs nitrogen (N) 6.22kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 1.33kg, K2O14.6 kg, N:P2O5:K2O is 1 N:P2O5:K2O 0.2V2.3; oil sunflower needs nitrogen (N) 7.44kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 1.86kg, K2O 16.6 kg.

  • Cultivation and Management of Orchid

    Cultivation and Management of Orchid

    Cultivation and Management of Orchid

  • How to fertilize the main crops in spring? Hubei Ministry of Rural Agriculture gives guidance!

    How to fertilize the main crops in spring? Hubei Ministry of Rural Agriculture gives guidance!

    Spring is not only the season for sowing, but also the key period for crop fertilization, when crops need a large amount of fertilizer. So, how to fertilize the main crops in spring? Hubei Ministry of Rural Agriculture gives guidance! Suggestions on fertilization for wheat (1) principles of fertilization

    2020-11-08 Spring main crops how fertilization Hubei Rural Ministry of Agriculture
  • How to fertilize the main crops in autumn and winter scientifically? With guidance!

    How to fertilize the main crops in autumn and winter scientifically? With guidance!

    How to fertilize the main crops in autumn and winter scientifically? In order to strengthen the guidance of scientific fertilization for main crops in autumn and winter, improve fertilizer use efficiency, reduce fertilizer cost, and realize rational fertilizer use and efficient fertilization, the planting Management Department and the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center

    2020-11-08 Autumn and winter main crops how science fertilization attached guidance
  • Quick dissolving and dispersing of fertilizer and slow dissolving and dispersing

    Quick dissolving and dispersing of fertilizer and slow dissolving and dispersing

    At present, there are many varieties of slow and controlled release fertilizers in our country, and the products of a variety of materials and release mechanisms can be said to blossom, but due to the low level of knowledge of farmers, there is a serious lack of understanding of such updated products, especially some illegal manufacturers hype the concept, opportunistic, hurt the feelings of consumers, make it produce.

  • Causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

    Causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

    Causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

  • How to apply compound fertilizer?

    How to apply compound fertilizer?

    How to apply compound fertilizer? Please introduce the application method of compound fertilizer, which has the characteristics of high nutrient content and fixed proportion of nutrient content, because the proportion of N, P and K required by different soils and different crops is different. Therefore, it is best to test the soil before use to understand the texture and nutritional status of the soil.

  • Experience of how to manage rice in the field

    Experience of how to manage rice in the field

    1. Water management Rice water management should implement intermittent irrigation, shallow water root protection, inch water tillering, seedling foot breaking water control seedlings, shallow water budding and heading, moist strong seeds. In the period of returning to green, the water absorption capacity of rice root system is weak, the people have high demand for water, and the water management should be deep.

    2020-11-08 Field how management rice experience moisture
  • The latest causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

    The latest causes and solutions of potassium deficiency in broad bean

    Broad bean is a common legume crop, named because it is shaped like silkworms, has good edible and medicinal value, and is a crop for both feed and green manure. Potassium is one of the necessary nutrient elements in the whole growth process of broad bean. If potassium deficiency occurs in the later growth stage, it will lead to

    2020-11-10 The latest broad bean potassium deficiency cause and solution
  • Nutritional characteristics and fertilization characteristics of vegetables

    Nutritional characteristics and fertilization characteristics of vegetables

    Nutritional characteristics and fertilization characteristics of vegetables

  • Fertilizer and Water Management in Rice High-yielding Cultivation

    Fertilizer and Water Management in Rice High-yielding Cultivation

    The application of fertilizer and water is the core of high yield of rice, which should be decided according to the characteristics of variety fertilizer demand, soil fertility and planting time. Generally, 100 kg of rice requires 2 kg of pure N, 1.2 kg of pure P and 1.5 kg of pure K. Application of fertilizer and water

    2020-11-08 rice high yield cultivation fertilizer and water management medium high yield high
  • How to fertilize sunflowers?

    How to fertilize sunflowers?

    How to fertilize sunflowers? Please give instructions for the cultivation of sunflowers can refer to the following methods of fertilization: 1 the law of fertilizer demand of sunflowers sunflower is a crop that needs more fertilizer. From the formation of the disk to the flowering stage, it is the peak of fertilizer demand for sunflowers. More phosphorus is needed from seedling emergence to disk formation, and from disk formation to bloom.

  • What is humic acid compound fertilizer?

    What is humic acid compound fertilizer?

    What is humic acid compound fertilizer? What are the categories? Please introduce the following four main types of humic acid compound fertilizer: 1. Humic acid compound fertilizer is a kind of high-grade family flower produced by scientific proportion on the basis of national patented product "humic acid compound spray fertilizer".

  • What is the use of humic acid compound fertilizer?

    What is the use of humic acid compound fertilizer?

    What is the use of humic acid compound fertilizer? Please introduce the following four main types of humic acid compound fertilizer: 1. Humic acid compound fertilizer is a kind of advanced family flower special fertilizer produced scientifically on the basis of the national patented product "humic acid compound spray fertilizer".

  • What fertilizer should blueberries use?

    What fertilizer should blueberries use?

    What fertilizer should blueberries use? Please guide blueberry fertilization, complete fertilizer application is much better than pure fertilizer effect. The yield of complete fertilizer was 40% higher than that of pure fertilizer. Applying nitrogen fertilizer alone to rabbit-eye blueberries for 6 years reduced yield by 40%. In China Changbai Mountain dark brown forest soil...

  • How to fertilize litchi and longan?

    How to fertilize litchi and longan?

    How to fertilize litchi and longan? Please give guidance on litchi longan fertilization methods can refer to the following: first, fertility and nutritional characteristics of litchi and longan belong to the disease-free family, are subtropical evergreen fruit trees, their biological and nutritional characteristics have many similarities. The root system has no natural dormancy period throughout the year, root suction.

  • How to fertilize bananas scientifically?

    How to fertilize bananas scientifically?

    How to fertilize bananas scientifically? Please give a detailed introduction to the fertilization of bananas according to the growth stage of bananas. The following detailed analysis is for reference: (1) the growth and nutritional characteristics of bananas have no main roots, and the roots are most distributed in the range of 10-25 cm in topsoil. Sucking buds in February every year.

  • What is compound fertilizer? How to apply compound fertilizer reasonably?

    What is compound fertilizer? How to apply compound fertilizer reasonably?

    What is compound fertilizer? How to apply compound fertilizer reasonably? Please introduce that the first fertilizer invented by human beings in the world is compound fertilizer (mixed fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various trace elements are produced from bird dung and sulfuric acid), but it is of low concentration, with the development of chemical fertilizer industry. Human beings have developed one after another.

  • Accurate quantitative cultivation techniques of Rice

    Accurate quantitative cultivation techniques of Rice

    Accurate quantitative cultivation techniques of Rice
